Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is it just me thinking this??

Is it just me or is SWINE FLU is EVERYWHERE???? My nephew's baby contracted the flu and he is only 3 weeks old. Scary! I hope my nephew Josh doesn't get it and pass it on to me. ME -NO-LIKE-E. :)

I've been watching the news and there are outbreaks of the flu everywhere. Being a teacher I am having my kids clean their desks once a week and constantly wash their hands. Am I being paranoid?

I think we should start wearing face know the masks you see all the Asians wearing in Asia.

What do you think?


Cory & Alli said...

I totally agree! I just want to keep Sadie inside with me all the time! Nobody better get my baby sick!!! (-I got the vaccine for swine flu, but she's too little)

Atwood Ohana said...

Oh yah...i totally agree with wearing the masks. But call us prideful, but I wouldn't wear one unless it was a rule or something. haha. BUt at school last week my class only had 5 kids! 17 were absent! isn't that insane??? And I think it's amazing that you changd your car battery all by yourself! HUGE PROPS to you! love ya!