Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Changing a battery

Running low on charge= New Battery.
I shopped around to see what would be the cheapest battery.
I found that Costco has a great price...$55.00 plus tax. Costco even gives you a cash rebate for turning in your old battery! $9.61. I was a little hesitant in changing the battery because I have never done it before. (Costco does not change batteries)
The guy from Costco told me how to change the battery so I felt pretty confident changing the battery on my own.

First step in changing a battery is unscrewing the bolts holding the battery to the car. I was able to unscrew 2 bolts before I hear, "You having car trouble?" I look up and it is someone who lives in my apartment complex. I proceed to say, " I'm just changing my battery, I hope I am doing it right." He says, "Hold on, I will be right back with some tools."

So the guy came back with his tools just in time to take the last bolt off the battery. Good timing MR!....I didn't have a tool to take off the last bolt.

Thank goodness for nice people. I love it when guys come to the rescue! :)

I even got more tips on how to change the battery!! The tips included... rub the inside of the +/- attatchment with sandpaper if it is rusty/curoded. Sanding helps the battery work better. He also used some kind of glue to keep the bolts from moving.

I am very appreciative for his knowledge. THANK YOU NEIGHBOR! I didn't get his name...my bad. :)

I now have a new battery that helps my car run great! Yay!

1 comment:

Cory & Alli said...

Look at how handy you are! ...and your neighbor! :)