Tuesday, September 1, 2009

TACO night & Upcoming Events

I am having people over for taco night tonight. I'm NOT having a DEL TACO taco night. LOL. :) Two people asked me if I was doing a Del taco taco night. I thought that was funny. I didn't know there was a Tuesday taco night at Del taco.
I am excited for the gathering! I invited 2 teachers from my school who are cool. :) I will let you know how it turned out.

My arm is healing nicely. I am SO OVER having an arm that doesn't work to its full capacity! :)

Here is a picture


Next week I am off track for a whole month!!! YAY! I am going to Kentucky to help my sister Pam out. She is going to get a C- section so that her baby girl will be alive when it is born. Pam's baby won't live long. The baby has all sorts of complications & on top of complications she has a Chromosome issue. Mom is not here to help out with these things, so I thought I would help out as much I could.


Cory & Alli said...

I won't be able to make it tonight, sorry!!! Wish I could! Let me know when you do a weekend thing, k? Have fun off-track, I'm sure your sister will be glad to have your help!

Mel said...

You need to take this pic off. It is grosing me out.

Amy said...

Your awesome Helen! I bet Pam will never forget that you were there for her during this hard time for her. YOur party sounded fun. And yes, you are lucky you don't have kids!!! :) (kidding) I love having parties too, but they are a lot of work. I haven't had one for a while. I agree with Mel. The pic of your arm is pretty gross! HOpe you are all healed soon. Love you.