Thursday, January 1, 2009

Christmas is Fun when you are with your family

Christmas was a fun time for me and my family. My sisters, nephews, and I went to my dads house for a Christmas dinner. We had a great time. Mel and I gave my dad a gift card to Olive garden & gave back church videos he gave us the previous year. My dad gave us....(the same gift).... Another A CHURCH VIDEO! We are sick of getting the videos every year so we had to make joke out of the situation. You think my dad could get the hint and get us something different. LOL.

After our dinner we all went to Mel and my apartment to pass out stockings. I was in charge of doing the stockings for everyone. I really enjoyed that. I love to surprise people.
Tami was in charge of my stocking. I was impressed with what I got. I took a picture to help me remember what I got. LOL.
I really enjoy spending time with my family!